Kimberly-Clark Professional
Count on Us to Protect Your Critical Processes and the People who Perform Them
Kimtech Polaris Nitrile Gloves
Experience unrivalled protection and comfort.
Built for Science. Made for You.
Kimtech Opal Nitrile Gloves
Thin nitrile construction and efficient packaging can reduce waste by up to 50%.
Shop NowFeatured Products

Solutions for Sterile Cleanroom Environments
Product solutions to support you in your contamination control strategy.
- Sterile Gloves
- Single-Use Sterile Coveralls
- Kimtech™ A5 Sterile Accessories:

Solutions for Non-Sterile Cleanroom Environments
Gloves, apparel, and masks designed for non-sterile cleanroom environments.

Solutions for Laboratories
Disposable gloves, lab coats, and wipers designed to maximize safety, comfort, and compliance in the lab.
Kimtech - Solutions for the Biotech industry
Coveralls and gloves engineered for Protection, Compliance and Comfort
Be Your Best with Kimtech Apparel
Cleanroom coveralls and lab coats engineered for Protection, Compliance and Comfort.
Are you dressed for success?
People are the no.1 cause for contamination events in the cleanroom. Watch the Dressed for Success video that compares washable vs single use Garments now
- Are you dressed for success? (1.6 MB)
Kimtech™ Cleanroom Gloves
Be your best with Kimtech™ Cleanroom Gloves
- Kimtech™ Cleanroom Gloves (9.3 MB)
EU GMP Annex I: Be compliant by selecting the right sterile cleanroom clothing solution
The new EU GMP Annex I guidelines will require sterile product manufacturers to adopt a more stringent approach to reducing contamination risks.
Kimtech™ Polaris™ Nitrile Gloves
Kimtech™ Polaris™ Nitrile Gloves have been designed for use in laboratories, life science applications and non-sterile pharmaceutical manufacturing environments.
Kimtech™ Polaris™ Xtra Nitrile Gloves
With extend cuff length and proven protection against the harshest chemicals, superior dexterity and comfort you can count on, the Kimtech™ Polaris™ Xtra Nitrile Gloves are built for science, made for you.
- Kimtech™ Polaris™ Xtra Nitrile Gloves (248.9 KB)
Kimberly-Clark Professional™ Kimtech™ Sterile Single-Use Apparel
Watch the “Dressed for Success” video comparing Kimtech™ single-use apparel and reusable apparel.
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About Kimberly-Clark Professional
Kimberly-Clark Professional™ partners with you to create exceptional workplaces, making them healthier, safer and more productive. When you work in challenging environments with no margin for error, count on Kimtech™ products to protect your critical processes and the people who perform them. We understand the risks and costs associated with contamination, Kimtech™ products are designed for precision tasks and exacting performance.
We are also committed to reducing environmental impact at every stage in a product’s life cycle, with the RightCycle™ Programme previously hard-to-recycle products like laboratory garments and gloves are turned into a variety of useful, eco-friendly products.