Automatisierte Geräte, die eine gemessene Flüssigkeitsmenge übertragen und dabei eine gemessene Menge Verdünnungsmittel hinzufügen, um wiederholte Schritte zur Handhabung von Flüssigkeiten zu eliminieren und eine bessere Reproduzierbarkeit als manuelles Pipettieren für eine große Anzahl von Proben zu bieten.
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The DiluFlow Elite automatically dilutes a solid sample in seconds with the appropriate weight of diluent, up to a total weight of 1 kg. An ideal solution for preparing samples in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, as well as animal health.
The DiluFlow Pro automatically dilutes a solid sample in seconds, with the appropriate weight of diluent, up to a total weight of 5 kg. Its robotic arm enables easy work under a laminar flow cabinet.
The DiluFlow Elite automatically dilutes a solid sample in seconds with the appropriate weight of diluent, up to a total weight of 1 kg. An ideal solution for preparing samples in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, as well as animal health.
The DiluFlow Pro automatically dilutes a solid sample in seconds, with the appropriate weight of diluent, up to a total weight of 5 kg. Its robotic arm enables easy work under a laminar flow cabinet.
The DiluFlow Elite automatically dilutes a solid sample in seconds, with the appropriate weight of diluent, up to a total weight of 5 kg. Its full traceability enables the recording of all operations, and is programmable and connectable for up to 6 diluents for the ideal dilution solution for any type of sample.