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Thermo Scientific™ Nitrocellulose Membranes, 0.45 μm

Nitrocellulose is a popular binding matrix for western blotting because of its high affinity for proteins and compatibility with a variety of detection methods (western blotting, dot-blot assays, and other protein or nucleic acid methods).

242.00 CHF - 756.00 CHF


Material Cellulosenitrat
Porengröße 0,45 μm
Versandbedingung Raumtemperatur
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Produkte 4
Produktcode Marke Dimensions (LxW) Format Porengröße Ausreichend für Preis Menge & Verfügbarkeit  
Produktcode Marke Dimensions (LxW) Format Porengröße Ausreichend für Preis Menge & Verfügbarkeit  
Unterlagen ansehen
Thermo Scientific™
8 x 8 cm Blatt 0,45 μm 15 Minigel-Blots
242.00 CHF
15 Stück
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Thermo Scientific™
7,9 cm x 10,5 cm Blatt 0,45 μm 15 Mini-gel Blots
269.00 CHF
15 Stück
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Unterlagen ansehen Aktionsdetails
Thermo Scientific™
8 cm x 12 cm Blatt 0,45 μm 25 Mini-gel Blots
572.00 CHF
25 Stück
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Unterlagen ansehen Aktionsdetails
Thermo Scientific™
30 cm x 3,5 m Rolle 0,45 μm Mindestens 120 Minigel-Blots, wenn auf 8 x 10 cm geschnitten
756.00 CHF
1 Stück
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Nitrocellulose is a popular binding matrix for western blotting because of its high affinity for proteins and compatibility with a variety of detection methods (western blotting, dot-blot assays, and other protein or nucleic acid methods). The 0.45-μm pore size is well-suited for a wide range of western blotting conditions and ideal for the transfer of most proteins (>20 kDa) and nucleic acids (>300 bp).

Features include:
• 100% pure nitrocellulose membrane
• Convenient—save time with pre-cut sheets or choose the roll format for the flexibility to cut to the ideal size
• Compatible with commonly used transfer conditions and detection methods such as staining, immunodetection, chemiluminescence, fluorescence, and radiolabeling
• High-binding affinity—provides excellent protein binding, blocks easily, and does not require pre-wetting with alcohol
• Low background: produce high-quality data with low background signal in both chemiluminescent and fluorescent western blotting



0,45 μm
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Product Certifications

Nur für Forschungszwecke. Nicht zur Verwendung bei diagnostischen Verfahren.

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Name des Produkts
Thermo Scientific™ Nitrocellulose Membranes, 0.45 μm

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