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IBA Lifesciences MagStrep Strep-Tactin™ XT Beads

MagStrep Strep-Tactin™ XT beads are magnetic beads (5% suspension) to purify Strep-tag™ II or Twin-Strep-tag™ fusion proteins.
Marke: IBA Lifesciences 2-5090-002
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- Can be used for the purification of strep-tagged fusion proteins in batch in single or high-throughput format.
- Beads show low non-specific protein binding due to their agarose surface and high specificity of Strep-Tactin™ XT towards Strep-tag. This results in outstanding target protein purity and makes the MagStrep beads a perfect tool for the isolation of proteins or the identification of complexes via pull-downs, immunoprecipitation (IP), or co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP).
- MagStrep Strep-Tactin™ XT beads are suitable for fast small-scale purifications in reaction tubes as well as 96-well plates.
- The beads can be easily and swiftly separated with a magnetic separator. This eliminates the need for centrifugation and reduces the risk of disturbing the pellet or loss of beads within the wash step to zero.
- The elution of target proteins or complexes can be triggered under mild conditions with the biotin-containing Buffer BXT or under denaturing conditions by boiling in SDS gel loading buffer.
2 mL | |
6% Agarose, Crosslinked | |
Resin Slurry | |
Magnetische Agarose-Beads |
5% (v/v) Suspension in PBS with 0.1% (w/v) Sodium Azide | |
20 to 40 μm | |
Twin-Strep-tag or Strep-tag II |
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Name des Produkts
IBA Lifesciences MagStrep Strep-Tactin™ XT Beads > Fassungsvermögen (metrisch) 2 ml
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