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Heidolph™ Hei-FLOW Expert 600
This model has a flow rate of 2.0 to 4056 mL/min and is designed for operation with single-channel pump heads.
Marke: Heidolph™ 523-51060-03
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- The analog interface makes it possible that all functions can be controlled externally. A control accuracy of ± 3.5% and a conveyor speed of 24 to 600 rpm provide optimum process conditions. In addition, sensitive media can be protected from influence by using the optional foot switch.
- Like all Heidolph peristaltic pumps, the conveying direction of this model can be changed by a simple push of a button. Furthermore, the accelerated filling and emptying of the tubing is simplified, since here only the button for the maximum speed has to be pressed.
CH Plug | |
Analog | |
Variable-Speed Digital | |
230 V |
Digitale variable Drehzahl | |
IP55 | |
IP 55 | |
Analog |
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