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Asecos™ Air Purifier PURIFIAIR.620

Air Purifier PURIFIAIR.620 reduces indoor viral loads and pollutant levels with a multi-component filter system.

auf Anfrage - 268.00 CHF


Filtertyp Vorsatzfilter, Kaltkatalysefilter, Aktivkohlefilter, Hochleistungspartikelfilter
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268.00 CHF
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Verfügbar ab: 08-05-2025
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  • Asecos PURIFIAIR.620 can significantly reduce viral loads and pollution in indoor areas
    • Removes mould spores, pollen, and allergens
    • Eliminates germs and bacteria and neutralises them
    • Continuously filters out fine dust particles
    • Removes unpleasant odours and harmful gases from indoor atmospheres
    • Built-in PM1.0 sensor and colour display allow users to quickly identify and read off the indoor atmosphere particle concentration in four levels from green (low) to red (high) concentration
    • Built-in combination of pre-filters, an E12 EPA Filter and H14 HEPA Filter in accordance with EN 1822 has an efficiency of up to 99.995% while keeping out particles from 0.1 bis 0.3 μm in size
    • H14 HEPA filters are used in areas where protection against infection plays a key role
    • The mobile design allows the purifier to be used flexibly in different areas
  • 1 device handles a volume flow rate of 160 bis to 620 m³/h (5 operating levels) and is suitable for approx. 100 m³ room volume (corresponding to a surface area of 40 m² and a room height of 2.5 m)
    • A larger number of devices should be used in larger rooms
    • Fresh air must be supplied to the rooms via natural or technical ventilation
    • Air purifiers should not be considered a substitute for a fresh air supply
    • Efficient results over time only if the filter is replaced at regularly according to the electronic display
    • Large filter units ensure a long service life
    • Low energy requirements result in low usage costs


Vorsatzfilter, Kaltkatalysefilter, Aktivkohlefilter, Hochleistungspartikelfilter
Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)


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