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DuPont™ Tychem™ 6000 AL TF640 00 Artikelnummer.: 17906871
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DuPont™ Tychem™ 6000 AL TF640 00

Artikelnummer. 17906871
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Artikelnummer. 17906871

Marke: DuPont™ D15571100

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Regulatorischer Hinweis: Für den Kauf dieses Produkts gelten möglicherweise Einschränkungen. Etwaige zusätzliche Unterlagen werden bei Bedarf von Ihnen angefordert.

Tychem™ 6000 AL TF640 00 is a ventilated coverall with stitched and over-taped seams. It has a fully enclosed over hood with clear front and crown see through visor. Front closure with double flap hook and loop, single zipper closing to center, horizontal opening.

  • Ventilated coverall available in sizes small to 3X.
  • Cuff elastication and elastic thumb loop on inner sleeve opening.
  • Over boot assembly consisting of integrated dissipative inner boots attached to dissipative outerboots.
  • Gray.
    The protective system made of Tychem™ 6000 AL TF640 00 and the DuPont air-line belt, model 8000513914, helps protect the worker from contaminates.
  • The air distribution plenum made of Tychem™ 6000 fabric distributes cool and breathable air helping to reduce heat stress.
  • The simplified closure allows an easier donning procedure and can be taken off quickly thanks to an emergency egress strip. In addition to its top clear visor, this ventilated suit offers a non-PVC, highly chemical-resistant 180° panoramic view.
  • Tychem™ 6000 AL garments are made from a lightweight and durable fabric (<500g per garment) consisting of a proprietary barrier film laminated to Tyvek™ substrate.
  • They offer excellent protection against numerous hazardous industrial organic chemicals, highly concentrated inorganic chemicals (even under pressure), particulates, biohazards and certain chemical warfare agents.


Farbe Grau
Zur Verwendung mit (Anwendung) Protecting from Contaminents
Hood Type Vollständig gekapselt
Material Tychem
Größe Klein
Verschlusstyp Horizontal Zipper with Double Flap Hook and Loop
Einwegprodukt Single-use
Geschlecht Unisex
Latexfrei Yes
Anzahl Taschen Keine
Sterilität Unsteril
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