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Thermo Scientific™ Thermo Scientific™ PCR Strip Cutting Tool

Easily and quickly cut the lysis and PCR tube strips in the SureTect workflow using the Thermo Scientific PCR Strip Cutting Tool.

Marke:  Thermo Scientific™ A55329

693.65 CHF gültig bis 2025-12-31
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Artikelnummer. 17869152

  • 905.00 CHF / 1 Stück
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Easily, quickly and safely cut the strip and separate either lysis or PCR tubes during the Thermo Scientific™ SureTect PCR Assay workflow using the Thermo Scientific™ PCR Strip Cutting Tool.

Designed specifically for use with the SureTect assays, the Thermo Scientific PCR Strip Cutting Tool is one in a suite of tools enabling a simple, streamlined workflow for maximum efficiency and productivity in your laboratory.

Use the Thermo Scientific PCR Strip Cutting Tool to quickly, safely and easily cut the strip and separate either lysis or PCR tubes into the desired number of reactions enabling flexible sample throughput and a fast, easy to use workflow

Quick and Easy
Use the Thermo Scientific PCR Strip Cutting Tool to speed the process of cutting the strip and seprate either lysis or PCR tubes into the desired number of assays. . The rugged material and design endures constant use so can be used time and time again whatever your sample throughput.

Combined with our comprehensive portfolio of assays and world-class instrumentation you can perform food safety tests confidently knowing exactly what you are getting – quality combined with simplicity.

We are committed to enabling you to experience the true confidence in your results, right-first time, every time, and the Thermo Scientific™ SureTect™ Real-Time PCR System is continually evolving to support your laboratory and testing needs.



PCR Strip Cutting Tool
Thermo Scientific™ PCR Strip Cutting Tool
SureTect PCR Assay workflow


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