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Applied Biosystems™ resDNASEQ™ Quantitative Plasmid DNA - Kanamycin Resistance Gene Kits

The resDNASEQ Quantitative Plasmid DNA - Kanamycin Resistance Gene Kit is a quantitative PCR (qPCR)-based system for the detection of residual kanamycin-resistant plasmids.

3995.00 CHF - 4450.00 CHF


Nachweisverfahren Primer-Sonde
Format Kit
PCR-Methode qPCR
Marker oder Farbstoff FAM
Produktlinie resDNASEQ™
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Produkte 2
Produktcode Marke Enthält Preis Menge & Verfügbarkeit  
Produktcode Marke Enthält Preis Menge & Verfügbarkeit  
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Applied Biosystems™
Assay Kit only
3995.00 CHF
100 Reaktionen
Lager vorrätig
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Applied Biosystems™
Assay Kit and Sample Preparation
4450.00 CHF
1 Stück
Lager vorrätig
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The resDNASEQ Quantitative Plasmid DNA - Kanamycin Resistance Gene Kit is a quantitative PCR (qPCR)-based system for the detection of residual kanamycin-resistant plasmids used in the development of gene therapies, cell-based vaccines, and similar biotherapeutics. Reliable and rapid, the resDNASEQ system enables sensitive and specific quantitation of kanamycin-resistant plasmid DNA. This performance helps ensure a high degree of confidence in quantitation data obtained from a broad range of sample types, from in-process samples with different sample matrices to bulk drug substance.

Features of the resDNASEQ Quantitative Plasmid DNA - Kanamycin Resistance Gene Kit include:
• Designed to quantitate residual plasmid DNA with any common alleles of kanamycin resistance gene
• Highly sensitive quantitation through innovative DNA-free master mix
• Highly sensitive quantitation using proven TaqMan real-time PCR technology
• Includes master mix, TaqMan primer/probe mix, kanamycin-resistant plasmid DNA standard, and sample preparation reagents

This kit is available with or without sample preparation reagents in the form of a PrepSEQ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit, which is optimized for highly efficient residual DNA recovery from complex mixtures of proteins, buffers, and salts.

Integrated workflow solution
The resDNASEQ Quantitative Plasmid DNA - Kanamycin Resistance Gene Kit with PrepSEQ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit is part of an integrated workflow for impurity and contaminant testing during biopharmaceutical manufacturing. The included PrepSEQ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit offers both a manual and automated sample preparation workflow. The resDNASEQ kit has been validated on the Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System and the QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System. Data analysis is streamlined using AccuSEQ Real-Time PCR Detection Software that provides accurate quantitation and security, audit, and e-signature capabilities to help enable 21 CFR Pt 11 compliance.

Easy to use
With the resDNASEQ Quantitative Plasmid DNA - Kanamycin Resistance Gene Kit, you perform qPCR analysis to compare the amount of kanamycin-resistant plasmid DNA in your test samples to standard curves generated with known amounts of kanamycin-resistant plasmid DNA standard. The resDNASEQ kit includes the components you need to carry out these steps, from master mix to TaqMan primer/probe mix to DNA standard, as well as step-by-step instructions.



Kanamycin Resistant Plasmids
100 reactions
100 Reaktionen
Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)


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