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Plas Labs™ Rodent Injection Cone
Ideal for large quantity sampling which requires high speed and efficiency
Marke: Plas Labs™ 561RC
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- Completely transparent, durable, and easy to clean
- Utilizes suction cup feet to secure device
Klar | |
Rodent Injection Cone | |
Chemisch sterilisiert oder gewaschen bei 180 °F | |
14.6 cm | |
12.7 cm | |
10.16 cm |
Ideal for large quantity sampling requires high speed and efficiency | |
Acryl | |
5,75 in. | |
5 in. | |
4 in. | |
15 to 30 g (Mice), 500 to 600 g (Rats) |
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Name des Produkts
Plas Labs™ Rodent Injection Cone > Animal size range: 15 to 30g (mice); 500 to 600g (rats)
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