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Thermo Scientific™ LanthaScreen™ TR-FRET-Assay-Kit für ERR-gamma-Koaktivator (Ziege)

The LanthaScreen™ TR-FRET Estrogen Related Receptor (ERR) gamma Coactivator Assay Kit provides a sensitive and robust method for high-throughput screening of potential ERR gamma ligands as antagonists/inverse agonists of coactivator displacement.

Marke:  Thermo Scientific™ PV4408

Artikelnummer. 10585813

  • 2595.00 CHF / 800 Stück
Verfügbar ab: 10-03-2025
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This kit contains Goat Tb-Anti-GST antibody; other kit components are the same as kit A15121:

The LanthaScreen™ TR-FRET Estrogen Related Receptor (ERR) gamma Coactivator Assay Kit provides a sensitive and robust method for high-throughput screening of potential ERR gamma ligands as antagonists/inverse agonists of coactivator displacement. The homogeneous mix-and-read assay format results in a ligand EC50 composite value representing the amount of ligand required to bind to receptor, effect a conformational change, and displace coactivator peptide (Figure 1).

How it works

The LanthaScreen™ TR-FRET ERR gamma Coactivator Assay Kit includes a terbium (Tb)-labeled anti-GST antibody, a fluorescein-labeled coactivator peptide, and a human ERR gamma ligand-binding domain (ERR gamma-LBD) that is tagged with glutathione-S-transferase (GST). To assay, ERR gamma-LBD is added to test compounds, followed by addition of a mixture of the fluorescein-coactivator peptide and Tb-anti- GST antibody. After room temperature incubation, the TR-FRET 520:495 emission ratio is calculated and used to determine the EC50 from a dose response curve of the compound.

Contents and Storage:

The LanthaScreen™ TR-FRET ERR gamma Coactivator Assay Kit contains ERR gamma-LBD (GST) protein, fluorescently labeled PGC1a coactivator peptide, Tb-anti-GST antibody, and buffers. Store components as indicated in the assay protocol (-80°C, -20°C, or +4°C).



Tb (Terbium)
ERR gamma-LBD (GST)-Protein, fluoreszenzmarkiertes PGC1a Koaktivator-Peptid, Tb-Anti-GST-Antikörper und Puffer
Nur für Forschungszwecke (RUO)
In einem Ultra-Tiefkühlgerät lagern (-68 bis -85 °C).
ERR gamma
800 x 20 μL Assays
LanthaScreen™ TR-FRET ERR Gamma Koaktivator Assay-Kit, 800 x 20 μl Assays, 384-Well-Plattenformat, Tb (Terbium)-Farbstofftyp, Fluoreszenz-Nachweismethode, TR-FRET-Methode, für Pharma und Biopharma, Identifizierung und Validierung von Ziel- und Leitstrukturen
800 x 20 μl Assays
Biochemische Koregulatorinteraktion
Assay für Interaktionen mit Kofaktoren, TR-FRET
TR-FRET ERR-gamma-Koaktivator-Assay-Kit


Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)
Dokumentation Zertifikate


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5 Ergebnisse gefunden
Chargennummer Art des Zertifikats Datum Catalog Number
Chargennummer2915153 Art des ZertifikatsAnalysenzertifikat Datum31/03/2024 Catalog NumberPV4408
Chargennummer2547438 Art des ZertifikatsAnalysenzertifikat Datum15/08/2022 Catalog NumberPV4408
Chargennummer2525096 Art des ZertifikatsAnalysenzertifikat Datum08/06/2022 Catalog NumberPV4408
Chargennummer2504185 Art des ZertifikatsAnalysenzertifikat Datum15/04/2022 Catalog NumberPV4408
Chargennummer2141965 Art des ZertifikatsAnalysenzertifikat Datum08/08/2019 Catalog NumberPV4408


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Name des Produkts
Thermo Scientific™ LanthaScreen™ TR-FRET-Assay-Kit für ERR-gamma-Koaktivator (Ziege) > 800 x 20 μL Assays

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