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Thermo Scientific™ iBu-dG Phosphoramidite

iBu-dG CEP is a phosphoramidite containing 5' DMT and the nucleoside deoxyguanosine (dG) with isobutyryl (iBu) base protection, for use in oligonucleotide synthesis.

Marke:  Thermo Scientific™ 27-1734-05

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Artikelnummer. 17997192

  • 30.30 CHF / 5 Gramm
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DNA phosphoramidites with standard base protection ensure a high level of quality and reliability for oligonucleotide synthesis.

iBu-dG CEP is a phosphoramidite containing 5' DMT and the nucleoside deoxyguanosine (dG) with isobutyryl (iBu) base protection, for use in oligonucleotide synthesis. DNA phosphoramidites are the building blocks for synthesis of DNA or DNA containing oligonucleotides. Each base has unique protecting groups designed specifically to protect the DNA during the chemical synthesis process, and produce the highest amount of full length product. Alternative protecting groups on dC (acetyl) and dG (DMF) allow for a faster deprotection of the oligonucleotide. The 'Standard Grade' marking denotes a baseline level of purity verified with analytical methods, and proven to be suitable for most oligo synthesis requirements. This product is supplied in a 20 mL Amber bottle with a Serum Vial neck style, which is compatible with most ABI Systems|AKTA Systems of oligonucleotide synthesizers.

Full chemical name: 5'-O-(4,4'-Dimethoxytrityl)-N2-isobutyryl-2'-deoxyguanosine-3'-O-[(2-cyanoethyl)-(N,N-diisopropyl)]-phosphoramidite
Molecular formula: C44H54N7O8P
Base: dG
Base Protection: iBu
Formula weight: 839.92 g/mol
CAS number: 93183-15-4
HPLC Purity: ≥98.0%
31P NMR Purity: ≥98.0%



AKTA Synthesegeräte, Applied Biosystems Synthesegeräte
Im Tiefkühlgerät lagern (bei oder unter -20 °C).
5 g
iBu-dG CEP
Desoxyguanosin (dG)


Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)




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5 Ergebnisse gefunden
Chargennummer Art des Zertifikats Datum Catalog Number
ChargennummerXG2042 Art des ZertifikatsAnalysenzertifikat Datum12/02/2025 Catalog Number27-1734-05
ChargennummerZD1932 Art des ZertifikatsAnalysenzertifikat Datum12/02/2025 Catalog Number27-1734-05
ChargennummerXC3442 Art des ZertifikatsAnalysenzertifikat Datum12/02/2025 Catalog Number27-1734-05
ChargennummerZA1282 Art des ZertifikatsAnalysenzertifikat Datum12/02/2025 Catalog Number27-1734-05
ChargennummerYE0662 Art des ZertifikatsAnalysenzertifikat Datum12/02/2025 Catalog Number27-1734-05


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Name des Produkts
Thermo Scientific™ iBu-dG Phosphoramidite > 5 g

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