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Invitrogen™ iBlot™ 3 Transfer Stacks, mini, nitrocellulose

iBlot 3 Transfer Stacks are used with iBlot 3 Western Blot Transfer Device for the transfer of proteins from an SDS-PAGE gel to a membrane support when performing western blot experiments.

199.00 CHF - 449.00 CHF


Länge (metrisch) 8 cm
Breite (metrisch) 8 cm
Format Transferstapel
Material Cellulosenitrat
Porengröße 0.2 μm
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Produkte 2
Produktcode Marke Menge Preis Menge & Verfügbarkeit  
Produktcode Marke Menge Preis Menge & Verfügbarkeit  
Unterlagen ansehen Aktionsdetails
10 Stacks
199.00 CHF
1 Stück
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3 x 10 Stacks
449.00 CHF
30 Stück
Lager vorrätig
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iBlot 3 Transfer Stacks are used with the iBlot 3 Western Blot Transfer Device for the transfer of proteins from an SDS-PAGE gel to a membrane support when performing western blot experiments. iBlot 3 Transfer Stacks contain copper-fiber electrode sheets, optimized cathode and anode solid buffer gels, and a preconditioned nitrocellulose transfer membrane. They are compatible with common commercially available protein gels, including Bis-Tris, Tris-Glycine, Tris-Acetate, and Tricine chemistries. This mini-size stack (8 x 8 cm) can be used with one mini-size gel.

The iBlot 3 Western Blot Transfer System (iBlot 3 Transfer Stacks plus iBlot 3 Transfer Device) has been optimized to provide protein transfers in 3–8 minutes that produce higher quality and more reliable western blot result compared to many other transfer methods.

Nitrocellulose membrane

The nitrocellulose membrane (0.2-μm pore size) in this stack is composed of 100% pure nitrocellulose to provide high-quality transfer. The membrane is compatible with commonly used detection methods such as staining, immunodetection, fluorescence, and radiolabeling. Proteins bind to the membrane due to hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. The protein-binding capacity is 209 μg/cm2.



8 cm
0.2 μm
8 cm
8 x 8 cm (Mini)
Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)


Product Certifications

Nur für Forschungszwecke. Nicht zur Verwendung bei diagnostischen Verfahren.

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Name des Produkts
Invitrogen™ iBlot™ 3 Transfer Stacks, mini, nitrocellulose

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