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Di-sodium Hydrogenphosphate Dodecahydrate, Pure Grade, Penta Chemicals Artikelnummer.: 30020669
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Di-sodium Hydrogenphosphate Dodecahydrate, Pure Grade, Penta Chemicals

Artikelnummer. 30020669
Di-sodium Hydrogenphosphate Dodecahydrate
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Di-sodium Hydrogenphosphate Dodecahydrate
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Artikelnummer. 30020669

Marke: PENTA CHEMICALS 1514031000

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Top quality chemicals for laboratories, schools, hospitals, research institutes, and large manufacturing plants.

About us

The company PENTA was established in 1990 under the trade name Ing. Petr Švec - PENTA s.r.o.. From the very beginning, we have been a solely Czech company which is managed by the Švec family, including company founder Petr Švec.

We specialize in the manufacture and distribution of pure, laboratory, pharmaceutical and specialty chemicals, which we market under the trade name Penta. We manufacture and supply a wide range of organic and inorganic chemicals, in large volumes, with a quality ranging from technical, to pure, to A.G. and ACS.

High quality and flexibility

Thanks to the high quality of our products, and our ability to fulfil specific customer requirements, we rank among the leading suppliers of qualified chemicals in the domestic market, and more recently we have also expanded into the global market.

We manufacture the chemicals in our own modern complex, which fulfils the strictest quality and safety criteria. Our large warehouse facilities, including two automated warehouses, enable us to accomodate client requirements. We package the products in accordance with all legislative requirements, and can deliver them to the customer using our own ADR transport on request.

Environmental responsibility

Our priority is to supply the maximum quality of chemicals, reliability, and environmental awareness. Our efforts are evidenced by many awards and certificates, including ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and the Responsible Care certificate for responsible business in the chemical industry.


Chemischer Name oder Material Di-sodium Hydrogenphosphate Dodecahydrate
CAS 10039-32-4
Physikalische Form Crystalline Powder, Needles or Crystals
Menge 1000 g
Molekulargewicht (g/mol) 358.14
Reinheit (%) ≥99%
Güte Pure
Verpackung Plastic Jar
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Di-sodium Hydrogenphosphate Dodecahydrate, Pure Grade, Penta Chemicals >

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