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Invitrogen™ CountBright™ Plus Ready Tubes

CountBright Plus Ready Tubes offer the same advantages as CountBright Plus Absolute Counting Beads, but in ready-to-use tubes. This not only improves the accuracy and repeatability of cell counting, but also allows for convenient room temperature storage for up to 12 months.

Marke:  Invitrogen™ C40000

Artikelnummer. 17876628

  • 364.00 CHF / 50 Stück
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CountBright Plus Ready Tubes offer the same advantages as CountBright Plus Absolute Counting Beads, but in ready-to-use tubes. This not only improves the accuracy and repeatability of cell counting, but also allows for convenient room temperature storage for up to 12 months. With a pre-calibrated quantity of CountBright Plus beads in each tube, any errors associated with handling and pipetting are eliminated. While ideal for use with Lyse/No-Wash and No-Lyse/No-Wash workflows, these tubes are versatile enough to be used in any flow cytometric assay where precise cell counts are necessary. Plus, with benchtop storage, CountBright Plus Ready Tubes are always at the ready when you are.

CountBright Plus Absolute Counting Beads
CountBright Plus Absolute Counting Beads are a calibrated suspension of ∼4 μm beads that encapsulate dyes that are excitable across a wide range of UV-IR wavelengths and brightly fluoresce in the emission range of 385-860 nm. In instances where a flow cytometer is not designed to provide absolute cell count, the use of absolute counting beads can help to determine the count. Absolute cell count is defined as the concentration of cells in the original sample.

• Beads are on-scale with most cell types, including human whole lysed blood, for ease of use
• >95% singlets for improved accuracy
• Excited by UV-IR lasers for an expanded emission range (385–860 nm)



Bei Raumtemperatur lagern.
50 Tests
4 μm
50 tubes
Bead für Zellzählung


Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)




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