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BD Difco™ Salmonella O QC Antigens
Quick reactive Gold standard antisera-typing panels for Salmonella O antigen
Marke: BD 221341
The products indicated contain mercury. Don't put products containing mercury in the trash. Products containing mercury are to be recycled or disposed of as hazardous waste. Products containing mercury may be regulated by Local, State, or Federal Laws. Some products containing mercury are not available for sale in some states.
- Produkttyp: Antigene und Antiseren
- Gruppierungen: Produkte Q bis S
- Unterart: Antigene für die Qualitätskontrolle
- Typ: Antigene
- Volumen: 1mL.
- Haltbarkeitsdauer: 730 Tage
CE marked
Antigen | |
Zur Qualitätskontrolle von Salmonella O-Antiseren Poly B (225351), Faktor 7 (228161), Gruppe C1 Faktoren 6 (240985) und Poly A-I und Vi (240993) | |
1 ml |
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