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Ansell ActivArmr Electrical Insulating Gloves Class 00, RIG0011B

Artikelnummer. 17789347
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ActivArmr Electrical Insulating Gloves Class 00, RIG0011B are form-fitting electrical safety gloves, offering versatile protection and durable comfort.

  • Heightened durability and flexibility: ActivArmr™ Electrical Insulating Gloves Class 00 - RIG0011B are made with natural rubber latex, making them both durable and flexible
  • Advanced ergonomics: These electrical insulated gloves’ hand-at-rest shape and non-splayed fingers limit hand fatigue when used continuously
  • Elevated comfort: A spacious flared cuff means these low-voltage* electrical gloves grant wearers breathable comfort
  • Specialized defenses: They are arc flash certified (APC 1 in combination with 96-002 leather protectors) and resistant to acid, ozone and very low temperatures**
  • Arc flash certified as per IEC 614821-2:2014 and ASTM F2675:2021 standards
  • Increased practicality: Donning and doffing are simplified by their smooth finish
  • Certified protection: These insulated gloves also satisfy applicable CSA, NFPA and OSHA standards
  • *Voltage AC maximum 500 V (DC maximum 750)
  • **Category A, Z and C respectively
  • For applications with risk of touch voltage, Electrical Contractors, Hybrid engine manufacturing and repair, Maintenance Repairs and Operations in all industrial environments (MRO), Mass Transit Repair and Maintenance, Power maintenance, repair and transmission, Telecom repair near electrical wires


ANSI-Abriebleistung ANSI 2
Lichtbogen Level 1
Zertifizierungen/Konformität (Europa) CE Number, PPE category ELECTRICAL, Category III, EN 60903:2003, EN 420:2003 + A1:2009, ASTM F2675:2021, Arc Rating of APC 1, ASTM D120, EN388:2016, REACH Compliant
Farbe Black
Hand Beidhändig
Material Natural Latex
Produkttyp Glove
Größe 9
Zur Verwendung mit (Anwendung) For applications with risk of touch voltage
Farbe der Handschuhstulpe Black
Art der Handschuhstulpe Gerade
Länge (angloamerikanisch) 11 in.
Länge (metrisch) 280 mm
Spannung 500 V
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