Our Arium™ laboratory-grade water purification systems inspire with their application-oriented operating designs.
The Most Flexible Solution for Dispensing Pure and Ultrapure Water
The Filtration Stand That Adapts to Your Need
The purpose of using syringe filters for sample preparation prior to analysis is to protect analytical equipment and columns.
How to Choose the Optimal Device & Method?
The Picus family pipettes are kind to your hand with unbeatable ergonomic design that ensures reliable and repeatable experiment results.
Have you ever considered the overall user experience in pipetting? We have.
Die neue Generation von modularen Präzisions-, Analyse- und Mikrowaagen
Die Pipetten der Picus-Familie liegen gut in der Hand und bieten ein unschlagbares ergonomisches Design, das zuverlässige und wiederholbare Versuchsergebnisse gewährleistet
Aruim™ Bag erfüllt und übertrifft die Herausforderungen des Laboralltags